gen x
Jag tar ju en nybörjarklass i Creative Writing (skrivkurs) på skolan. Imorgon lämnar jag in den här dikten. Temat var att skriva om vår egen generation.
gen x
they call us the ironic generation thanks so fucking much
squeezed between the hippies and the hipsters
waiting for our time to come only to realize it’s already
over the cuckoo’s nest too low to get under
a black man was king before he turned white
mama se mama sa mama coo sa just beat
it had funk it had beat boogaloo b-boys too
seen from another world at home on the tube
fame+foot+loose+flash+dance and a dream to come
true blue baby i love you but wait what’s that
people sick people die even you no one knew
what was safe what was not and what we could
do they know it’s christmas time at all
band aid live aid farm aid every aid but aids
a big disease with a little
name the wall the fell six letters begin with a b
b me b free and keep on rocking like neil
young at heart not for long it is time to grow
up where we belong be strong be a man
and just face when you finally grow hair on your chest
it is out and it’s time for you to get waxed
they call us gen x don’t forget about me
don’t don’t you forget about me
you y you z one day you’ll see
we’re not different at all you and me
except perhaps for the irony